Archives and Museum

Archives and Museum


The University Archives and Museum is responsible for collecting and preserving the historic records of the University such as manuscripts relating to the founders, rectors/presidents, faculty and administrative officers, physical plant of the campus, photographs, letters, memos, annuals, and issues of University publications. It also hosts a museum of artifacts such as religious vestments and paraphernalia, school trophies, donated objects and memorabilia.


An official repository of Philippine-Augustinian legacy and West Visayan historical and cultural heritage for the social and intellectual transformation of the members of the University and the community/citizenry.

  • The USA Archives commits itself in deepening one’s sense of history and cultural identity.  Specifically, it aims to:
    1. Appraise, collect, preserve and conserve resources of archival value.
    2. Make available administrative and academic records, archival documents and resources.
    3. Provide adequate facilities for the retention of such record.
    4. Serve historical research and instruction by making available and encouraging the use of its collection by members of the University and community.
    5. House the Augustiniana, Panayana, USAiana and rare books collections.
    6. Forge partnership with other archives agencies and Augustinian institutions.
    7. Develop resource management system.
  • The USA Museum seeks to heighten the cultural and aesthetic consciousness of the members of the community.  Specifically, it aims to:
    1. Appraise, collect, preserve and conserve resources of artistic and cultural value.
    2. Exhibit Augustinian and Western Visayan artifacts and artworks.
    3. Provide adequate facilities for museum practice.
    4. Serve historical research and instruction by making available and encouraging the use of its collection by members of the University and community.
    5. Forge partnership with museums and other cultural agencies.
    6. Develop resource management system.