Program Specification
Program Title
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Awarding Body/Institution
University of San Agustin
Accrediting Body
Program Duration
Four Academic Years
The BSN is a four-year program consisting of general education and professional courses. Professional courses are threaded through from the first year thru the fourth year with emphasis on the nursing concepts with corresponding Related Learning Experiences (RLE). The BSN program provides an intensive nursing practicum that will refine further the nursing competencies to ensure achievement of the BSN program outcomes required of an entry level nurse.
Fresh High School Graduates
1. Report card with a general High School average of at least 80 % or an equivalent of 2.6.
2. Should pass the following: Placement Test in the following aptitudes with the cut-off percentile rank: verbal reasoning-20; numerical reasoning-20; abstract reasoning-20; language usage-20. Should pass the interview conducted by the Nursing Program Committee on Admission, Retention, and Promotion (CARP).
4. Certificate of Good Moral Character from the Head/Principal of the High School graduated from.
5. Photocopy of Birth Certificate (authenticated by NSO).
6. Good physical health as reflected in the normal results of the following laboratory/diagnostic tests that should be submitted:
a. Chest X-ray
b. ECG
c. Laboratories (CBC, Urinalysis, Fecalysis)
d. Hepatitis B (HBsAg) screening (to be followed by immunization)
Note: If fully immunized with the Hepatitis B vaccine and Anti-Hbs, a result is required.
e. COVID-19 Vaccination Status
7. Result of a neuropsychiatric examination, if necessary.
8. Result of Differential Aptitude Test.
Note: All laboratory results must be supported by a medical certificate that the applicant is physically and mentally fit to take up the Nursing course.
Transferees/Second Coursers who wish to enroll in the Nursing Program
1. Transcript of records
2. Must have no grade below 2.4 (83%) or better in all subjects.
3. Certificate of Good Moral Character from the Head/Dean of the school last attended.
4. Photocopy of Birth Certificate (authenticated by the NSO)
5. Should pass the interview conducted by the Nursing Program CARP.
6. Good physical health as reflected in the normal results of the following laboratory/diagnostic tests that should be submitted:
a. Chest X-ray
b. ECG
c. Laboratories (CBC, Urinalysis, Fecalysis)
d. Hepatitis B (HBsAg) screening (to be followed by immunization)
Note: If fully immunized with the Hepatitis B vaccine and Anti-Hbs, a result is required.
e. COVID-19 Vaccination Status
7. Result of a neuropsychiatric examination, if necessary.
8. Result of the Differential Aptitude test.
Note: Al laboratory results must be supported by a medical certificate that the applicant is physically and mentally fit to take up the Nursing Course.
For Married Applicants
1. Good physical health as reflected in the normal results of the following laboratory/diagnostic tests that should be submitted:
a. Chest X-ray
b. ECG
c. Laboratories (CBC, Urinalysis, Fecalysis)
d. Hepatitis B (HBsAg) screening (to be followed by immunization)
Note: If fully immunized with the Hepatitis B vaccine and Anti-Hbs, a result is required.
e. COVID-19 Vaccination Status
2. Result of a neuropsychiatric examination, if necessary.
3. Result of Differential Aptitude Test
Note: Al laboratory results must be supported by a medical certificate that the applicant is physically and mentally fit to take up the Nursing Course.
The BSN program aims to develop a professional nurse who is able to assume entry-level positions in health facilities or community settings. The professional nurse is capable of providing safe, humane, quality and holistic care to individuals of varying age, gender, and health-illness status; healthy or at-risk families; population groups; and community; singly or in collaboration with other health care providers to promote health, prevent illness, restore health, alleviate suffering and provide end of life care.
Program Outcomes
PO A | Engage in lifelong learning and understanding of the need to keep abreast of the developments in specific fields of practice |
PO B | Demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal communication and facilitation skills using both English and Filipino |
PO C | Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams |
PO D | Demonstrate legal, social, and ethical responsibility in the field of pharmacy |
PO E | Exemplify knowledge of “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722) in the field of pharmacy |
PO F | Demonstrate the ability to practice pharmacy in a professional and ethical manner |
PO G | Demonstrate the ability to provide pharmaceutical care according to the professional standards |
PO H | Conduct research studies relevant to the field of pharmacy |
PO I | Apply the concepts of leadership, administration, management and marketing in relation to pharmaceutical entrepreneurship |
PO J | Demonstrate the fundamental Augustinian values in relation to their profession (such as concern for the common good of the society, sense of community, spirit of general service, love for peace and order, constant pursuit of excellence, etc.) |
Relationship of Vision, Mission, Graduate Attributes, Program Educational Objectives to Program Outcomes
About the Program
Department Contact
- Gamboa Hall, University of San Agustin, General Luna Street, Iloilo City
- 0912-834-9604
- 337-4841 to 41 Local Number : 1027
- Mon - Fri : 08:00 AM - 5:00 PM