Nutrition & dietetics
Program Specification
Program Title
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Awarding Body/Institution
University of San Agustin
Accrediting Body
PAASCU (Pre-consultation visit)
Program Duration
Four Academic Years
The Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics is a four-year program consisting of general education and professional courses. The first and second semesters of the fourth year is devoted to field practice in hospital dietetics, foodservice, and community nutrition/public health nutrition.
- For incoming freshmen, a general average of 80% in Grades 11 and Grades 12. Preferably, a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics strand graduate.
- Applicants are required to take the Differential Aptitude Test (DAT) administered by the Guidance Services and Testing Center. For BS Nutrition and Dietetics applicants, they should obtain the following cut-off score for the following aptitudes: verbal reasoning – 20; numeral reasoning – 20; abstract reasoning – 2-; and language usage – 20.
- Freshmen are required to report their vaccination status and present normal results for the following laboratory/diagnostic tests: Chest X-ray, fecalysis, and urinalysis. They are also required to undergo physical assessment and psychological testing. In addition to the abovementioned laboratory/diagnostic tests, level 3 & level 4 students must undergo sputum test.
- Shifters/Second Courses/ Transferees must have no grade below 2.4 (83%) or better in all subjects. ASPO will refer applicant’s credentials to the respective Academic Supervisors for evaluation and approval.
- All applicants shall undergo a screening interview following the CNND interview guidelines.
The Nutrition and Dietetics education in the undergraduate level is designed to adequately equip students with the fundamental knowledge, attitudes and skills in foods, nutrition, dietetics, management, and allied fields in order to prepare them for entry level professional responsibilities in education and communication, food and nutrition research, clinical dietetics, food service industries, wellness programs and public health/community nutrition. The nutrition and dietetics education is responsive to Philippine society and takes into account needs, resources and potentials. The professional envisioned herein is imbued with the ideals, aspirations and traditions of the Filipinos and in keeping with global development.
Bachelor of Science in | Summary of Units |
Institutional Course | 14 units |
Core GE Courses | 24 units |
ND Elective Courses | 10 units |
Mandated GE Courses | 3 units |
Supportive/Foundation Courses | 34 unit |
Professional Courses | 57 units |
Practicum | 12 units |
Physical Education and NSTP | 14 units |
Review and Refresher Courses | 6 units |
Total | 174 units |
Program Outcomes
PO A | Promote the role of nutrition and dietetics for human well-being in relation to the needs, resources and potentials of individuals, groups and families. |
PO B | Apply the concept of comprehensive nutritional care for the total wellness of individuals in a multidisciplinary and multi-cultural settings |
PO C | Integrate nutrition concerns with local and national development efforts. |
PO D | Manage nutrition programs for individuals, groups and institutions |
PO E | Demonstrate the ability to plan and manage foodservice unit in hospital or other setting. |
PO F | Plan and implement an economically viable activity related to nutrition and dietetics. |
PO G | Design and/or conduct scientific study on food, nutrition and related topics. |
PO H | Conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the ethical standards of the profession. |
PO I | Actively engage in lifelong learning activities. |
PO J | Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the fundamental Augustinian values in relation to the profession. |
Relationship of Vision, Mission, Graduate Attributes, Program Educational Objectives to Program Outcomes
About the Program
Department Contact
- Gamboa Hall, University of San Agustin, General Luna Street, Iloilo City
- 0912-834-9604
- 337-4841 to 41 Local Number : 1027
- Mon - Fri : 08:00 AM - 5:00 PM