Program Specification
Program Title
Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Awarding Body/Institution
University of San Agustin
Accrediting Body
Program Duration
Five Academic Years
Architectural education is concerned with producing graduates with comprehensive knowledge, appropriate skills and a professional attitude in the practice of architecture together with their total growth and development within the framework of democratic ideals values, end the promotion of sustainable development and the conservation of architectural heritage within the global context, thus making the architecture curriculum relevant to the present needs and latest international trends.
The practice of architecture is the act of planning and architectural designing, structural conceptualization, designing of built structures and their environment, specifying, supervising and giving general administration and responsible direction to the erection, enlargement of alterations of buildings and building environments and architectural design in engineering structures or any part thereof. The scientific, aesthetic, and orderly coordination of all the processes which enter into the production of a complete building or structure performed through the medium of unbiased preliminary studies of plans consultations specifications conferences evaluations investigations contract documents and oral advice and direction regardless of whether the persons engaged in such practice are residents of the Philippines or have their principal office or place of business in the country or another territory and regardless whether such persons are performing one or all of these studies or whether such duties are performed in person or as the directing head of an office or organization performing them.
Bachelor of Science in | Summary of Units |
Institutional Course | (12 units) |
General Education | 24 units |
Elective Courses | 9 units |
Technical Courses | 5 units |
Basic Engineering Courses | 18 units |
Allied Courses | 12 units |
Professional Courses | 155 units |
Required Courses (PE, NSTP) | 14 units |
Total | 205 units |
Program Outcomes
PO A | creation of architectural solutions by applying knowledge in history theory planning building technology and utilities structural concepts and professional practice. |
PO B | use of concepts and principles from specialized fields and our like disciplines into various architectural problems. |
PO C | interpretation and application of relevant laws, codes, charters and standards of architecture and the built environment. |
PO D | application of research methods to address architectural problems. |
PO E | use of various information and communication technologies media for architectural solutions, presentations, and techniques in design and construction. |
PO F | Acquisition of entrepreneurial and business acumen relevant to architecture practice. |
PO G | Preparation of contract documents technical reports and other legal documents used in architectural practice adhering to applicable laws standards and regulations. |
PO H | Involvement in management of the construction works and building administration. |
PO I | an ability to demonstrate and apply in their professional work the fundamental Augustinian values related to it (such as concern for the common good of the society, sense of community, spirit of generous service, love for peace and order, constant pursuit of excellence, etc.) to the environment and society |
Relationship of Vision, Mission, Graduate Attributes, Program Educational Objectives to Program Outcomes
About the Program
Department Contact
- G/F Blanco Hall, University of San Agustin, General Luna Street, Iloilo City
- 0920-396-4726
- 337-4841 to 41 Local Number : 1029
- Mon - Fri : 08:00 AM - 5:00 PM