Program Specification

Program Title

Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering

Awarding Body/Institution

University of San Agustin

Accrediting Body


Program Duration

Five Academic Years

Program Outcomes

PO ADemonstrate by problem solving the knowledge in mathematics sciences and electronics engineering problems
PO BDevelop abilities in Electronic circuits and Communication systems to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards
PO CDemonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles to manage projects in a multi-disciplinary environment.
PO DDevelop consciousness of professional, ethical and social responsibilities by communicating effectively with clients, peers, and community as experts in the field of electronics and communication engineering
PO EDemonstrate resourcefulness for contemporary issues and lifelong learning by attending seminars offered by accredited professional organizations and other professional organizations.
PO FIdentify the impact of electronics engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context by being updated with the latest technological trends.
PO GUse techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for electronics engineering practice by incorporating latest equipment, devices and software
PO HApply knowledge of electronics and communications engineering in at least one specialized field of electronics engineering practice
PO IKnow and understand the fundamental Augustinian values in relation to their profession (such as concern for the common good of the society, sense of community, spirit of generous service, love for peace and order, constant pursuit of excellence, etc.)

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