Medical Laboratory Science

Program Specification

Program Title

Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology

Awarding Body/Institution

University of San Agustin

Accrediting Body


Program Duration

Four Academic Years

The Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology (BS MT) is a four-year degree program that equips students with knowledge and skills in laboratory tests used in the detection, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases. Students will also learn how to use modern equipment, instruments and scientific methods to provide accurate laboratory results.

1. Original copy of F-138 or High School Report Card
2. Certificate of Good Moral Character from the Principal
3. A clear photocopy of Certificate of Live Birth printed on National Statistics Office (NSO) Security Paper (please bring original copy for verification purposes only)
4. Two (2) pieces 2x2 colored picture
5. Result of Entrance Examination

1. Certificate of Transfer Credentials (Honorable Dismissal) from the school last attended
2. Transcript of Records
3. Certificate of Good Moral Character from the Dean
4. A clear photocopy of Certificate of Live Birth printed on National Statistics Office (NSO) Security Paper (please bring original copy for verification purposes only)
5. Two (2) pieces 2x2 colored picture

Foreign Students:
1. Original copy of the Notice of Acceptance from the University of San Agustin Registrar’s Office.
2. Original copy of Transcript of Records. The said document must be placed in a sealed envelope.
3. Certificate of Good Moral Character from the Principal or Guidance Counselor or Parish Priest.
4. A clear photocopy of Certificate of Live Birth.
5. Two (2) pieces 2x2 colored picture
6. Result of Entrance Examination

After 3-5 years, the Augustinian BSMLS graduates:

  1. practice Medical Technology, nationally and internationally, imbued with Augustinian values committed to ethical and sustainable development;
  2. pursue professional advancement through research, post-graduate studies or programs certified by professional organizations and other accrediting bodies;
  3. implement research outcomes through quality health care programs for community transformation and
  4. propose BSMLS program changes to elevate the quality of Medical Technologists/ Medical Laboratory Scientists for global competitiveness.

Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology

General Education Courses

24 units

General Education Elective Courses

9 units

General Education Mandated Course

3 units

Physical Education Courses

8 units

NSTP Courses

6 units

Core Courses

25 units

Professional Courses

65 units

Research Courses

5 units

Clinical Internship Courses

28 units


173 units

Program Outcomes

PO Adiscuss clearly the latest developments and contemporary issues in medical laboratory science
PO Bcommunicate information effectively through verbal and non-verbal means in English and Filipino;
PO CPerform tasks effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural team;
PO Dmanifest professional and ethical values in the practice of the profession;
PO Epromote "Filipino historical and cultural heritage";
PO Fdemonstrate technical competence in the performance of clinical laboratory procedures needed in the proper diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention of diseases, biosafety and waste management;
PO Gdemonstrate critical thinking skills through research to promote lifelong learning relevant to the profession;
PO Hdemonstrate skills in clinical laboratory design, set-up and exercise sound leadership and management
PO IParticipate in community-oriented activities by taking an active role in social advocacies and projection of health information for improvement of healthcare management systems
PO JEmbody a competent health educator
PO Kdemonstrate the fundamental Augustinian values in relation to their profession

Relationship of Vision, Mission, Graduate Attributes, Program Educational Objectives to Program Outcomes

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