Program Specification
Program Title
Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
Awarding Body/Institution
University of San Agustin
Accrediting Body
Program Duration
Four Academic Years
The outcome-based program is at least a four (4)-year degree program with a total of 206 credit units, equivalent to 5,520 hours. The program offers a good mix of general education courses, which have relevant applications in the profession of pharmacy, and professional courses, that will help prepare the graduates in acquiring competencies necessary in the workplace. Foundation courses in pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutics and the life sciences will enhance the understanding of pharmaceutical product development and their applications in pharmacy practice. It also includes internship programs in the last year that involve assigning students to different CHED accredited affiliation establishments covering a minimum of 1,200 hours. The intern/student, during the course of the internship or experiential pharmacy practice experience, will be exposed to a variety of opportunities in practice areas that will prepare them for the different roles expected of them upon graduation.
A. First Year Students
Upon enrollment, students should present the following requirement:
1. Form 138 with the notation “Graduated” or “Eligible for College”, with a general weighted average rating of 85 % and a grade of at least 85 % in Math, in Science and in English
2. Certificate of Good Moral Character
3. Two (2) 2” x 2” colored pictures
4. Differential Aptitude Test (DAT) result
5. Interview
6. PSA-issued Birth Certificate
7. Medical Certificate from the University Physician
B. Transferees (First and Second Year Students Only)
1. Certificate of Honorable Dismissal from the school last attended.
2. Certificate Good Moral Character from the school last attended.
3. Transcript of Records from previous college, with NO MARK of FAILURE, INCOMPLETE, DROPPED or WITHDRAWN and with a general weighted average of at least (85) or its equivalent with respect to courses credited to the program. (For Pharmacy Transferees: and a grade of at least 85 % in Math, Science, and English; in addition, for Pharmacy Transferees: and a grade of at least 85 % in Professional Courses)
4. Two (2) 2” x 2” colored pictures.
5. PSA-issued Birth Certificate
6. Duly signed a probationary agreement form one semester enrollment on probation.
7. Medical Certificate from the University Physician.
1. Objectives of the Program
The program aims to produce graduates who can portray the following roles:
1. Professional pharmacist
2. Pharmaceutical care provider
3. Researcher
4. Manager and entrepreneur
5. Educator
Specific Professions/careers/occupations for graduates
Graduates of the BS Pharmacy program may pursue a career in any of the following areas of pharmacy
1. Pharmaceutical manufacturing/production,
2. Production planning and inventory control,
3. Quality assurance,
4. Research and development,
5. Regulatory affairs,
6. Academe,
7. Hospital pharmacy
8. Clinical pharmacy,
9. Community pharmacy,
10. Cosmetics industry,
11. Veterinary industry
12. Clinical research,
13. Government service (Department of Health, Food and Drug
14. Administration, PhilHealth, Professional Regulation Commission, Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, Dangerous Drugs Board, and others),
15. Health publications,
16. Sales or marketing
17. Institutional pharmacy (non-pharmaceutical establishments with pharmacy services, such as those in the Supreme Court, San Miguel Corp, GSIS, etc).
Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy | Summary of Units |
Institutional Course | (12 units) |
General Education | 24 units |
Elective Courses | 9 units |
Mandated Course (Rizal, PE, NSTP) | 17 units |
Professional Courses | 144 units |
Total | 206 units |
Program Outcomes
PO A | Engage in lifelong learning and understanding of the need to keep abreast of the developments in specific fields of practice |
PO B | Demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal communication and facilitation skills using both English and Filipino |
PO C | Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams |
PO D | Demonstrate legal, social, and ethical responsibility in the field of pharmacy |
PO E | Exemplify knowledge of “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722) in the field of pharmacy |
PO F | Demonstrate the ability to practice pharmacy in a professional and ethical manner |
PO G | Demonstrate the ability to provide pharmaceutical care according to the professional standards |
PO H | Conduct research studies relevant to the field of pharmacy |
PO I | Apply the concepts of leadership, administration, management and marketing in relation to pharmaceutical entrepreneurship |
PO J | Demonstrate the fundamental Augustinian values in relation to their profession (such as concern for the common good of the society, sense of community, spirit of general service, love for peace and order, constant pursuit of excellence, etc.) |
Relationship of Vision, Mission, Graduate Attributes, Program Educational Objectives to Program Outcomes
About the Program
Department Contact
- CPMT Building, University of San Agustin, Jalandoni Street, Iloilo City
- 0927-884-6263
- Mon - Fri : 08:00 AM - 5:00 PM