Today, March 1, 2022, we celebrate the 69th Anniversary of Colegio de San Agustin de Iloilo becoming the University of San Agustin, earning its title The First University in Western Visayas. San Agustin is likewise the first Augustinian university in the Asia-Pacific region.
The university’s efforts to remain steadfast and persevering especially in the response to the global pandemic are manifested through the continuous upgrade and improvement in the delivery of instruction among its students and the building of a unified relationship among its stakeholders. Every March, the Augustinian community celebrates one of its momentous milestones of being granted university status in 1953.
This year, through the university’s collective spirit, reliance on performance and collaboration, and commitment to sustainability may all the students, the faculty and staff, the administration, and all its stakeholders will continue to embrace the core values of Caritas, Unitas, and veritas which will continue to uphold a long-term benefit to the Augustinian community and the society.