Welcome, future Augustinians!
Please be guided of the following procedures and details of the University of San Agustin Admission Test (USAAT) for A.Y. 2023-2024:
- Administration of the University of San Agustin Admission Test (USAAT)
This will be administered by the Office of Guidance and Services Testing Center face-to-face.
- Schedule and Venue
The Admission Test will start on February 20, 2023 until August 2023 every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
- For Grade School and Junior High School:
Basic Education Department, Sambag Campus
- For incoming Grade 11, First Year College, First Year Juris Doctor:
Guidance and Services Testing Center-Testing Room, Main Campus
Schedule for In-Campus Admission Test for A.Y. 2023-2024
C. Mode of Admission Test Application
The USAAT application shall be done onsite or face-to-face. The student applicants shall proceed to the Admissions, Scholarships and Placement Office (ASPO) for the application for admission test via Uone Enrollment System and/or Google Form to be provided by the Office of the Registrar.
D. Documentary Requirements
The student applicant shall submit the following documentary requirements:
For Grade School and Junior High School:
- Application Form (available at the Principal’s Office)
- Photocopy of Form 138 or Report Card (for Grades 1 to 10 with at least second grading grades)
- 1pc 2×2 recent picture
- Testing fee receipt (Php 250.00)
- 2 Mongol pencil with eraser
For incoming Grade 11, First Year College, First Year Juris Doctor:
- Photo copy of any valid ID
- Photocopy of Admission Test Receipt issued by the USA Accounting Office
- Testing Permit issued by the ASPO
E. Admission Test Application Fee
SHS, Tertiary, Graduate School and JD – P500.00.
Grade School & Junior High School – P 250.00
F. Admission Test Application Processes and Procedures
For incoming Grade 11, First Year College, First Year Juris Doctor:
In order to systematize the 1st step of the Admission process, the following processes and Procedures shall be followed for the Admission Test Application.
- Student applicant submits documentary requirements for checking and screening, and fills out the applicant’s list provided by the ASPO.
- ASPO staff assists and facilitates the student applicant for the encoding of his/her data in the ASPO computer system.
- Student applicant proceeds to the computer system and completely encodes all the data information required by the system.
- ASPO staff requests the student applicant to proceed to the Accounting Office for payment of the Admission Test Application Fee.
- Student applicant pays to the Accounting Office the admission test fee.
- ASPO staff checks and validates the admission test payment and approves the application form.
- ASPO staff prints the admission test permit and orients the student applicant.
- Student applicant takes admission test as scheduled.
For more inquiries, contact ASPO at aspo@usa.edu.ph or at 0928-248-2441 / 0924-248-3834 / 0956-349-4497.