The University of San Agustin continues to innovate in finding solutions to protect its stakeholders from Covid-19. Contact tracing using digital tools is one of the key strategies for interrupting chains of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and reducing COVID-19-associated mortality in the university .The USA Health Services Unit in partnership with the Center for Informatics (CFI) launched its U-Contact Trace on January 27, 2022, to break the series of transmission through rapid identification, listing and following up of persons who may have contact with an infected person, recommending isolation and quarantine information, and providing clinical care.
Features identified in the contact tracing is voluntary though maintaining confidentiality can be particularly difficult in various settings. Prior discussions with the exposed person and those who show symptoms can generate solutions for safeguarding confidentiality. The Safety officer and other employees of the university who have already familiarized the handling of confidential information regarding the contacts can be asked to respect confidentiality, even if they are not legally bound to do so.
To report CoVid exposure, everyone in the Augustinian community is encouraged to visit the link below and fill out the information asked.
Link to UCT self-report form:

To check out the orientation video, they may visit the link below:
This initiative aims to progress into a more meaningful collaboration with other offices of the Augustinian community and be of assistance in curbing the transmissions especially in the province and city of Iloilo. (TA)