Another moot court team from the University of San Agustin College of Law (USA COL) ranked fifth in the 2023 Monroe E. Price International Media Law Moot Court Competition Global Rounds held virtually in Oxford, United Kingdom on April 21, 2023.
They ranked fifth place overall in the Global Rounds among several participating countries in the world like Hungary, Singapore, India, United Kingdom and United States of America, among others. In the Preliminary Rounds, they beat the 4-time world champion Singapore Management University, University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa, and University of Sarajevo of Bosnia and Herzegovina (3-0).
The said team won overall First Runner-Up, and First Runner-up Best Oralist and Best Oralist in the Finals for Yzabel Layson, during the Asia-Pacific Rounds last December 2022 which qualified them to the International Rounds.
They are composed of Yzabel Layson (Team Captain, Oralist), Jeff Earl Nuñez (Oralist), Luis Miguel Tirador (Oralist), Lord Jemarie Ramos (Researcher), Jann Lessandro Lira (Researcher), Samantha Grajo (Researcher), Jonathan Ligacion (Researcher) and Atty. Anfred Panes (Coach).
The Price Moot, named after Professor Monroe E Price, is the world’s leading moot on international human rights. With more than 100 teams participating annually, it is the world’s largest and most prestigious moot on the freedom of expression and related human rights such as freedom of religion and privacy.
The USA COL’s recent global achievements are an indication of the hard work, perseverance, and academic excellence that the College and the University offer in the Philippines and the world.