Welcome Message for the Opening of the Academic Year 2024-2025

Rev. Fr. Arnel S. Dizon, O.S.A.
University President

Warm Augustinian greetings!

As we are blessed with a fresh start, I enjoin everyone, every stakeholder of this academic institution to rally together with us in leveling up the university’s status which is also our very own condition as its component parts. It is therefore a movement from the task of scaffolding to cascading of well-being, for a call to lead impressed upon us is a commitment to serve. We are committed to uphold the culture of excellence in academics and virtues, promote the Augustinian tradition of learning, and share with others inspired by the core values. Our leadership and governance agenda underscores the elemental factors of purpose, direction, community, and identity.

In every undertaking, we anchor the initiatives on the noble PURPOSE of the foundation enshrined in the mission of the university and that is quality Augustinian education and training. We continuously move forward toward the intended DIRECTION anchored on the fulfillment of the vision which exemplifies holistic transformation through integral formation. Hence, our purpose-driven initiatives are oriented toward collaboration and advancement. This target requires a balanced approach focusing on the core processes of instruction, research and community engagement with internationalization as a necessary emphasis of higher education.

Saint Augustine in one of his letters exhorts his recipient that “Do not esteem your own leisure more highly than the needs of the Church, for if no good men were willing to minister to her when she brings forth her children, you yourselves could never have come to birth.” If I may set and restate it in our context, the welfare of the institution is greater than our personal concerns. We owe loyalty and devotion to the university over and above any personality and ideology. Nonetheless, we espoused open communication and sincere dialogue once we come upon a crossroad.

It is observed that every generation witnesses an event of global magnitude in its lifetime. It rests on us to determine, create, and manage opportunities which can lead to the golden phase of the journey.

As an educational community, we assign equal premium to both academic excellence or quality education, values and character formation. We highlight our Filipino Augustinian identity that is grounded on an integral approach of learning and training. To be Augustinian is synonymous with learning to be and being for others. Through accompaniment, we desire to live and work in unity and harmony in consonance with our common devotion we profess, from the One God to every other person, particularly to the University of San Agustin community, its vision-mission for the betterment of the human person and society.

More than a month has passed since the 120th foundation anniversary celebrations. And as early as this year we are already looking forward to the 75th year of the declaration as a university. It’s good to look forward with hope and joy. In anticipation of the 2025 jubilee year of the Church, we are called to be Pilgrims of Hope. As we venture on a set purpose and direction, I call on everyone to take one academic year, one challenge, one step at a time, no matter how formidable the way ahead, and let the process prevail for far bigger outcomes.

Let the image of the scaffolding be our guide as we aim for greater heights and, in turn, cascade to the common good. May God bless us, our endeavors, and our dear alma mater.

Mabuhay ang University of San Agustin!