In a momentous event marking five decades of exceptional nursing education, the esteemed Pioneer Class of 1977 from the College of Nursing recently came together to celebrate their Golden jubilee. However, their reunion held even greater significance as they generously donated a collection of precious memorabilia and a beautifully crafted curio cabinet to be showcased at the prestigious USA Archives and Museum. This remarkable exhibit became a centerpiece during the momentous 50th-year celebration of the College of Nursing, which coincided with the first-ever global alumni reunion held last February.
The Pioneer Class of ’77 comprises an extraordinary group of individuals who have left an indelible mark on the nursing profession. Among them are Dolores Tobias Baldevieso, Agnes Blandura, Ninda B. Anderson, Carol S. Camago, Luz Borromeo, Evelyn B. Loretizo and Nida Miranda. These trailblazers exemplify the spirit of love and service that has become synonymous with our beloved College of Nursing.